Postgraduate studies
Head of postgraduate studies - Albina A. Zakirova
Specialist - Tatiana P. Sosedkina
In accordance with the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation, postgraduate studies are the third level of higher education and the main form of training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. In accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities, the postgraduate study of the IASM RAS has the right to study in 5 areas of training in the field of physical, mathematical and technical sciences. Currently, two directions are being implemented: 06/03/01 - physics and astronomy and 06/22/01 - materials technology.
The main task of postgraduate studies is to train highly qualified personnel - candidates of science in the relevant field of science in the chosen profile of the scientific specialty, who are able to independently conduct complex research and teaching activities in higher educational institutions, who have deep knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of this branch of science, its history and philosophy, proficient in the use of a foreign language in scientific and professional activities.
This task is realized as a result of mastering the basic educational program of postgraduate study, which involves the study of compulsory disciplines and disciplines of choice, the implementation of the research part of the curriculum by the graduate student in accordance with the basic educational programs of the chosen direction and profile, the passage of research and teaching practice.
In the process of training, graduate students take candidate exams in a foreign language, history and philosophy of the relevant science and in special disciplines according to the candidate exam programs approved by the IASM RAS, and prepare a candidate dissertation. The graduate who successfully completed his postgraduate studies receives the qualification "Researcher. Teacher-researcher".
For scientific expertise and defense of dissertations in the IASM RAS there is a dissertation council that accepts candidate and doctoral dissertations for consideration.
The organization of the work of postgraduate studies at the IASM RAS is carried out by the Department of Postgraduate Studies.