International Conference «Physics and Technology of Advanced Materials-2023»
Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take a part in the International Conference "Physics and Technology of Advanced Materials-2023", which will be held by the Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the city of Ufa from 2 to 6 October 2023. The scientific program of the conference will include plenary sessions with reports from leading scientists lasting 30 minutes, sectional meetings with oral reports lasting 15 minutes, special young scientist sessions with reports lasting 10 minutes, as well as poster sessions. The conference sessions will be held in a combined online + offline format. Plenary reports will be delivered both online and offline within the same session, and sectional reports will be divided into three types: fully online sessions with oral presentations, completely offline sessions with oral presentations and poster sessions. The online format is provided for oral presentations of participants from Russian cities far from Ufa and foreign countries, as well as other participants who, for important reasons, canceled their planned visit to Ufa.
Conference Topics
1. Structure and properties of condensed matter, modeling and simulation of the structure and properties of materials
2. Nanomaterials
3. Mechanics of materials
4. Materials processing technologies
5. Metal science and heat treatment of metals and alloys
6. Materials and technologies in the oil and gas industry
Publication of materials
The collection of abstracts will be published in electronic form before the opening of the conference. The abstracts of reports should be typed using the text editor Microsoft Word in the strict accordance with the attached template. Based on the results of the analysis of submitted abstracts, the organizing committee will invite selected authors to submit a full article for publication in the special issue (No. 4S, 2023) of the research journal Letters on Materials. Publication of articles in this special issue is limited and will be by invitations only. Articles for the issue must meet all the requirements of the journal for original articles and will be subject to the journal's peer review and editing process. The condition for the publication of an article in the special issue is the personal presentation (face-to-face or online) of the corresponding report at the conference.
The researchers wishing to participate at the conference are expected to send their completed registration forms and abstracts of report to the conference email-address The registration and abstract forms are presented at the end of this call.
Abstract template can be downloaded here.
Conference fees
The conference fees are equal to 3000 Russian rubles for face-to-face participants and 1000 rubles for online participants from Russia and other CIS countries. There are no fees for the attendance of online participants from non-CIS countries due to the problems with money transfer. The potential participants from Russia and other CIS countries are advised to visit the Russian version of the conference Web page for a more detailed information concerning the conference fees payment.
Important dates
July 10, 2023 ‑ deadline for the preliminary registration and submission of abstracts.
July 20, 2023 – mailing of offers for the submission of an article for the journal "Letters on Materials" to selected authors
September 1, 2023 –deadline for the submission of articles to “Letters on Materials”.
September 15, 2023 – mailing of the preliminary program.
September 22, 2023 – deadline for the confirmation of participance (unconfirmed reports will be excluded from the final program).
September 27, 2023 – mailing of the final program.
October 2 – arrival day, registration.
October 3,4 – face-to-face conference meetings.
October 5,6 – online conference sessions.
The conference sessions will be held in the conference hall of the IMSP RAS (39 Khalturin street, Ufa, Russia). Generally, the organizers do not make hotel reservations, but conference participants wishing to come to Ufa for offline attendance will be assisted in solving visa and accommodation problems.
The completed registration form, abstracts of reports, articles should be sent by e-mail to the official address of the conference
Chairman of the Local Committee: Ayrat Nazarov. Tel 7 (347) 282-37-50
Head of the Secretariat: Venera Valitova. Tel. 7 (347) 282-38-58
Registration form
Surname, name, patronymic: give in full
Academic degree, title:
Email address:
Phone: (preferably mobile)
Mailing address:
Title of the report:
Participance form: face-to-face, online (delete as appropriate)
If offered, I am going to present a paper to “Letters on Materials”: yes, no (delete as appropriate)
Information Partners of PTAM-2021
Metals is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal published by MDPI.
Letters on Materials is a peer-reviewed, open-acess journal published by IMSP RAS