
Main characteristics:
accelerating voltage up to 200 kV
increase to 1,000,000
dot resolution 0.30 nm
line resolution 0.14 nm
resolved sizes of grains, particles, elements of dislocation structure up to 1 nm and less

Main characteristics:
- accelerating voltage up to 30 kV
- increase to 1,000,000
- resolution 1.2 nm
- the accuracy of determining the spatial orientation by the EBSD method - 1°

Main characteristics:
- accelerating voltage up to 30 kV
- increase to 1,000,000
- resolution 3 nm
- detector resolution EDA 125 eV
- the accuracy of determining the weight content is up to 0.1 wt. %

Main characteristics:
- productivity 20 liters per day
- the capacity of its own Dewar vessel is 100 liters.
5. Emission spectrometer "SPAS-2" (Russia), 2012

Main characteristics:
- the accuracy of determining the weight content is up to 0.001 wt. %
- the minimum size of the analyzed sample section ø20 mm
6. X-ray diffractometer DRON - 4-07 (Russia), 1989

Main characteristics:
- Range of angles of movement of the detecting unit: from 5 ° to 142 °
- in step-by-step mode, step of angular scanning from 0.02 °
- in continuous mode with different scanning speeds

Main characteristics:
- sample weight up to 2 kg
- increase from 5 to 500

Main characteristics:
- increase from 5 to 500
- working field of observation 50x50mm

Main characteristics:
- sample weight up to 2 kg
- magnification up to 500 times.
- hardness tester force from 5 to 1000 gr.

Main characteristics:
- Resolved relief sizes ~ 0.1 μm (XY) and ~ 10 nm (Z)
- scanning field 100 × 100 (mm)
- in panoramic shooting mode 20 × 20 (mm)
11. Universal floor electromechanical testing machine Instron 5982 (England), 2009

Main characteristics:
- Maximum load applied to the sample 100 kN
- test speed from 0.0001 to 1000 mm / min
- test temperature up to 950 ° С
12. Universal floor electromechanical testing machine Schenck Trebel (Germany), 1989

Main characteristics:
- working load range up to 100 kN
- maximum load 100 kN,
- test speed from 0.02 to 100 mm / min
- test temperature from room to 1200 ° С
13. Servohydraulic testing machine Schenck Hydropuls PSA 10, (Germany), 1989

Main characteristics:
- maximum load 100 kN
- operating frequency range 0-20 Hz
14. Koper pendulum Schenck Trebel RPSW (Germany), 1989

Main characteristics:
- potential impact energy reserve 300 / 150 J
- distance between supports 40 mm
15. Machine for creep and long-term strength testing model 2147P-30/1000 UHL 4.2 (Russia), 1988

Main characteristics:
- range of permissible loads from 0.05 to 30 kN
- test temperature up to 850 ° С
16. Rockwell hardness tester Instron RB2000 (England), 2010

Main characteristics:
- Preload 10 kg
- basic load 60, 100 and 150 N
17. Installation of complex loading SNT10BD (Russia), 1995

Main characteristics:
- sample temperature from room to 950 ° С
- maximum axial load 100 kN
- maximum torque 200 N * m
18. Device for synchronous thermal analysis STA 449 F1 Jupiter NETZSCH (Germany), 2010

Main characteristics:
• temperature range of measurements from room to 1500 ° С
• sample heating rate from 0.1 to 50 K / min
• temperature measurement accuracy - 1.5 ° С
• calorimetric sensitivity 0.4 ... 15 μV / mW
• accuracy of measurement of enthalpy ± 3%